Monday, September 13, 2010

Sword and Sorcery

It is a sub genre of fantasy. When we see the word sword we think of it as a weapon that has offensive ability. The word sorcery gives me a feeling of magic.

Magic comes in different forms, and these forms is just a different between one can do it or not. Like the magic in harry potter is definately impossible because firstly even if we have the wand there is no possibility that we can make something fly by just saying "wingardium leviosa". Well on the other hand, the magic that we know is david copperfield type of magic. Though it seems magical but it's actually all about tricks.

When magic is use they usually have this magic circle on the floor. Symbols can be seen as well. When we watch anime it's always about 1 hero and afew of his friends fihting for justice. Somehow or another it's always about 1 Vs many. When we mixed 2 Fantasy and reality together as we know it is super illogical but people just love it.

Games now a days implement Sword and Sorcery as well like Dynasty warriors where one hero vs thousand troops. I would say it's fun at first but will gradually gets bored. Games that uses magic on card games is possible as well like the Magic Cards where people can sell a card for $50 bucks. Implementing magic into games might be a good idea since and people just love magic. I love mages and would always play a mage characters no matter in what game.

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