Sunday, September 26, 2010

Final Blog Entry for Sem 1

1) Reflection

If i were to choose 5 topics that i like i would choose Heroes, Games in Movies, Crime, SuperNatural and A.I. First as we talk about heroes we all know that heroes in movies are all special, we can also think it in a way that even though we don't participate in movies or have healing powers, we are still a hero in our lifes. Heroes that helps others when one is in trouble. To me the heroes in my life is my grandmother and my parents. They give life to me and teach me well, although they are a nag sometimes but i know they care alot for me. Not to mention we all had our neighbourhood heroes like our police man, doctors, nurses. When a protagonist exist, a antagonist will appear. The antagonist in my family is my grandfather, wouldn't go into details on this anyway, When a life has both the good and the bad, we have already create a game.

Life is like a game, though we don't have a second chance when a crime is made but we have the choice to make our own decision. Whether to our wisdom wisely or destroy it. What happens when it's the end of one life? I once heard this phrase before "The end of one life is the beginning of the other" When one is dead the other is born. I believe this is true because everyday life is brought to earth. But what will actually happen when one is dead? It's all like what the others have been saying, supernatural. Those that claims to be able to see it, can't proff that they can but people just wants to believe. For me i use to believe there's ghost because of movies i watch. Now that i notice there isn't anything happening to me in my life that is not explainable, well maybe because i've been finding excuses of not believing it?

Movies are so popular that a movie theater can never go bankrupt. Everyday will be crowded and who would thought that we can watch games in movies as well? Movie is a good media that can tells us alot of things. Not just about the entertainment. Movies with games elements brings new ideas to people, like dreams in movies(Inception) or even fantasy in movies(Alice in Wonderland). Mixing game genres into movies gives people space of imagination. And i believe that with these imaginations we will be able to create something new.

Who would have thought that we can make robots now? Though the robots we seen in movies were always so intelligent, fast, strong and ability to think for themself. we can't really make one out like this for now. Since Japan has been playing with robots and making a human robot, they are able to make them walk by themself and make certain emotions. Maybe by combining robots and movies, we can even create a hollogram and watch our movies or even shift the hollogram around like Iron man 2. It would be cool if i can have one of those stuff =D

2) Speculate about the future of gaming

I didn't really think about it since we have all we wanted now and i am contented that we have laptops, Televisions, and even game console like Wii, PSP, etc. Well there's a few things i thought about when i finish watching a movie. I use to think that it would be great if the train station would stop by my house that i would not have to walk all the way to the station, or maybe have a teleport machine at home so i can just teleport to school or anywhere else, or maybe i can have a flying device so i can fly high up to the sky? When i play games i know that i can't just play enough of it. It's so good that i want to jump into the games and play real. Maybe life is too boring here for me since all i did is go to school, come home, eat, play games, sleep. Everyday life style. I wanted to change and perhaps i just want to run away from reality like how doraemon gives his buddy a time machine to stop time so he could finish his work on time?

Samuel Johnson
"Some desire is necessary to keep life in motion"

Quotation from:

so true indeed =D

3) Creativity

I've learn that inorder to be creative we need to absorbe what others did and combine them together. Example if we see a circle and we were to play with it there's many ways we can play with, throw it, toss it, lick it, eat it, give it away, etc. One can play in his own ways to create something out of it's imagination.

Here's my creativity model/game

The first thing that i base my design on is House and Tree, i combine it together because for me in order to be creative i want to feel comfortable like when i'm at home, this is where i feel most comfortable with and then i combine it with tree because trees absorb sunlight and water to create food for themselves, i want to use this idea and so i created my design with 2 compartment, one is the current ideas that i have, second is the memory. I place my current ideas and my memory into Process 1: Idea generator to choose and select the one i want, next is to move the selected items up so i can see clearly now that i have selected the things i want, Last ideas will be branched out at the roof and even if ideas were branched out, more ideas can branch out from that single idea tree.

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