what can we change? Idealogy
Ideaogy from government, from Religion, from terrorist, etc. What made them do those actions? Is it dreams? Idealogy comes from dreams and a dream is a thought made out of people's subconcious. It's something that we want and hope to achieve for. Sometimes we encounter De javu in our lifes, like we have seen the same scenerio in our dreams before, it's true that we seen it before and it's just a projection of the things we seen. I've encounter various de javu in life also and it still amase me no matter how many times i encounter it.
Subconcious mind is something that we can't control. That is how we get hypnotise as well.
Terrorist is a group of people trying to do something bad to the others because they want revenge for the government. The reason they did so is because they or their families have been hurt before. We tends to judge people by looks, people with beard and long hair tends to looks suspicious, well we are told not to judge a book by it's cover but it's really not happening in real life. Today i just watch Devil and while in the show, my friend and I has been guessing who the real devil is, my friend guessed the old lady while i guess the young man because he looks suspicious. AS the movie unfolds i realise that i was wrong, Just because he was the last one that didn't get killed doesn't mean that he is the bad guy. well my friend guessed correctly and i asked him why did he choose the old lady and he says that the devil always tends to take form of the weak like an old lady or a little girl to create an illusion.
Subconcious records all the things that you've seen or done, I once watch a show about this girl killing a guy and forgets all about it because she is in a shock state that it triggers to lock up that part of her memory and through hynotism that she remembers what happens and recover.
Idealogy works when the thoughts is spreading around. Like brain wash, Misinterpretation of what people says and Up bringing of one. Speaking of terrorism i feel safe in singapore though there have been bomb cases but i think that i am still safe in some way, not like some one will come in from my window and steal my stuff or people breaking in banks to rob them.
Games created with violence while for this everyone has their way of getting violent, like banging tables, etc. But if games that doesn't have violence contents does that means we'll be safe from it? Well it's fun to play games that have violence contents like fighting and blood splattering all around but people just need to know what is real and what is not.
I think it's good that the school lets us learn the history of war, and understand the true meaning of what it is trying to convey. I can't say fully that i understand the meaning of war but the history of it lets me understand more about singapore.
politics is the cause for war. Though i didn't have to go through it but i heard stories about world war from my grandmother. My grandmother got hurt by the bomb before and she says it happens so sudden that she didn't know what to do. Well she told me that she and her mum was working under one of the Japanese chief and she says that he is very polite to them. My grandma and her mum helps with the house whole chores and was ironing the clothes for them when the japanese walks in and bow to them. Well i think they are not as bad as they looks.
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