Monday, February 21, 2011

Behavioural games and humanistic psychology

In Humanistic Phychology, it is said that the core belief of humans are good. well i do agree because every human being learn from young on what is right and what is wrong. We all believe that the pressent is more important than the past and the future. The second core is that every human takes responsibility for their own actions. Third belief is the equally worthy of respect from other beings. I believe that each and every one of the human beings deserve the right to be respected. Be it race, religion etc. There's a saying "If you respect the others, they will do the same to you."

Motivation is important in life. Well it is important to me because whenever i see something that really motivates me, it makes me want to work harder to archieve it and excel. Motivation changes the way i do things and improve my moral.

In games, When do we know that something is about to happen? Well there should be a few things that is quite obvious like music/ change of environment and perhaps even some popups from game to remind you what you need to do. Every games we played is a Behavioral games. Because we behave in a certain way when we are being put to the test.

People play games to archieve Eudaimonia (Happiness). Some says that it is to escape from reality and some just played casually for time to pass. Games has to have achievements because it is something that every human being yearns. Well my mum used to nag at me when i'm stuck on my chair playing computer games everyday and recently she's been given a PSP and guess what. She stopped nagging =D Its a good thing right? haha well she told my dad that games are very addictive and it's not easy to stop.

Games can also train people in a way that it can be educational as well. Like Stimulation games that are used in the Army to train soldiers to drive a car before making him drive the actual thing? Other than that researches found out that games can make people learn things more easier and it could be fun at the same time.

Well there are chances where by players become more voilent when playing games as well so is the addiction a good thing or a bad thing?

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