Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dan Denett Video

Ideas are like virus. Ideas are like the parasite that hijack human brains.

Ideas to die for like: Freedom, Justice, Truth, communism, etc. Ideas are infectious as it spreads from grain to grain. We are all responsible about memes. Ideas are easy to be misused that's why it is dangerous. Ideas can live off because it is passed on.

Technology brings about many ideas. Technology is largely wonderful. Among those ideas that flow out into the whole world thanks to technology. Memes are spreading out around the world and they are wiping out cultures, languages, practices. Like pronography spreading out like memes replicating around the world. It affects the education.

How do we tell a good memes and a bad memes? we will never anihilate the germs but we can encourage the spread of the germs.

I feel that the whole talk is only talking about how dangeours ideas are from spreading through technology. I'm not sure if he is trying to make this his point but if it is i would agree that technology is used every single day. And it is perhaps dangerous. When we have the internet, everyone will abuse it like downloading things/ sharing files. Where did this comes from? Ideas? People thought of the idea of creating internet. The ideas spreads to people's mind as they realise that this idea can be used in different ways as well. It's not always a bad thing to spread ideas but one must know and be able to judge what ideas can be used and what not to be used.

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