Thursday, May 27, 2010

Self Intro

My name is Claudia from Singapore polytechnic, Been studying ITE for 4 years and it is really not easy coming to SP to study Games Design, well i have to go through interview and showcase my portfolio in order to get in so i find myself super lucky. I hate last min homework because it gives me alot of stress and i can't think when it's so last min.

Love animals because they are so cute and adorable. I can do alot of things like doing cross stitch, sewing, knitting and build models. I love handicraft because i am good at it. I love crime scenes, medical and comedy shows. I hate horror movies because it makes me go crazy when i heard sounds at night and will tend to have nightmare after. Though i hate horror shows, i still see some though haha. I don't have alot of good friends because i am quite anti-social but once people get to know me they will know i am not so bad after all =D. I love action games like CS, Rakion, S4 League, final fantasy and escape game. That's all about me

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